(April 19, 2017 at 1:01 pm)MysticKnight Wrote: If the faith in God could not die, it would not be virtue to keep it.
Interesting, Mystic. However, in my experience, I find it impossible to believe something after experiencing that moment when you realize "this is all ridiculous bullshit". You know? It might be comforting to still believe, for example, that there is an afterlife where I'm going to be reunited with loved ones someday, and to have the social connection of sharing that belief with friends. But once you say "I don't believe it for ____ reasons", then trying to talk yourself back into believing is lying to yourself. And if there is a deity, that lie shouldn't fool the deity either.
(Pascal's wager - if you don't believe, act like you do believe just in case god exists. Pascal's "god" must have been a moron who lacked the mind-reading qualities ascribed to most deities.) No thanks. Trying to force yourself to believe something that you don't believe out of fear, or to keep up appearances is completely dishonest.
"The family that prays together...is brainwashing their children."- Albert Einstein