(July 17, 2011 at 5:52 am)Anymouse Wrote:Wow. Thanksgiving must be interesting. I've never really experienced any Wiccans, besides a few acquaintances. Are yours into spells, black cats and stuff or are they mostly 'one-with-nature'/Celtic pantheistic types?
My family is all over the map. My mother is a former Wiccan, now atheist. My maternal grandparents and great-grandparents were spiritualists, while my father's family were all Roman Catholics. My sister is a deaconess in the Metropolitan Community Church. My step-father is Wiccan, my wife is a strong atheist, my ex-wife is a Presbyterian converted to the Roman Catholic Church, my son is RC with heavy Wiccan overtones, and my aunt is the former Chief Presbyter of Chicago and now in semi-retirement as a Presbyterian minister in a small town in Michigan.
If we snubbed each other based on religion, none of us would be talking to each other.
James. Hit and run hammered dulcimer playing.
My mother's side, like I previously said, are all Presbyterian. My father is a Deist. His father, grandfather and great-grandfather were all apathetic (probably atheist/deist) Irish Catholics. My sister is an atheist. Most of my cousins are casual Christians or agnostics, though I have one who is a Buddhist. It makes for interesting conversations. Ironically my sister and I (the only two real atheists) are the two who argue the most when our family has a religious discussion; but, there are plenty of other reasons for that. rofl
"Great men are like eagles, and build their nest on some lofty solitude." - Arthur Schopenhauer