"On the left side you have hell. It's just like how it's depicted in various works. It's so hot your skin melts, they put you inside large pots of hot oil and fry you for eternity. they will gouge your eyes out, rip your ears out and break your limbs"
"On the right side you have heaven. It's basically a better version of vegas. we have lots and lots of angel hookers, casinos, gaming stations, football fields, booze, lots and lots of booze. It's your reward for being a good lil lad."
"Look. I know you were an atheist. it's understandable, you did something stupid. you thought this was all bullshit but I'll make a deal with you - if you accept me as your God right here and now I'll let you go through the door that leads to heaven otherwise I'm helpless you'll have to spend the rest of eternity with dear old satan"
What will you do?
"On the right side you have heaven. It's basically a better version of vegas. we have lots and lots of angel hookers, casinos, gaming stations, football fields, booze, lots and lots of booze. It's your reward for being a good lil lad."
"Look. I know you were an atheist. it's understandable, you did something stupid. you thought this was all bullshit but I'll make a deal with you - if you accept me as your God right here and now I'll let you go through the door that leads to heaven otherwise I'm helpless you'll have to spend the rest of eternity with dear old satan"
What will you do?