(July 4, 2017 at 6:59 pm)Luckie Wrote: As I said, I'm all in. Unforgivable sin and all, I've flipped off my share of god. Actually I should be asking you why you even have a phone or laptop to toss about on. When I was a Christian if I could give or do I did. That includes more than just being a self righteous protagonist online. I gave my time, my heart, my love, my everything. Even to poverty although that is a side effect of being impoverished oneself. Still I gave. And to this day I can't say I have much left tO give. I meet deaths door as a matter of habit, being on numerous chemo meds for the last 15 years of my life, losing body parts and relationships and belongings to the point of nothing, due to my illness. Sad but true I live in my mom's living room in a bed that is or isn't my deathbed, who knows? Do yOu have legs? Do YOU have fingers and toes capable of putting on some shoes and doing something constructive with your time?? I do my best every day to pass on love in any way I'm able. You seem to use your time to be a judgemental pRick online and unsolicited. For fun. Go fuck yourself with your bullshit. If I die (which could be any week of my life), then so be it. And if by some leap and bound I meet up with the god portrayed in the Bible and not the tens of thousands of other religions? It's too late for me, I DID commit the unforgivable sin. I haVe given up everything. If I'm to die a second death in hell, then so fucking be it. Unlike you I READ the words of your god. And they were not good. And I know exactly what I'm saying having lived my life by that god every day of my life since infant hood. I know what you love. I know what you feel. And I'm compelled to ask, why are you okay with your beloved brethren being sent to hell eternal (the fiery brimstone one described by the bible) for reasons unbecoming of the punishment? In the end, hell is every Christians undoing. Either you're a monster for believing in it or you're condemned. Why is hell called for, for a child committing suicide because she can't fathom her father fucking her, telling her shes an awful subhuman, beating her up as he does.. just one more time??? Jesus platitudes and hell seem meaningless at that point, especially that those who live in and were born to hell on earth.
I'm really sorry to hear of your circumstances. I made the mistake of telling an atheist that I'd pray for him and he got upset and told me not to, so I won't tell you that I'll pray for you. As far as the unpardonable sin goes, I don't even know exactly what it is. How do you even know you've committed it? I don't even think people will even know if they committed it until after death. I've heard it said that if you're concerned about having committed it, then you probably didn't. Any one who did wouldn't even care in the least. As far as hell goes, I've done some studying through the bible and I don't believe the bible says that anyone will spend eternity in hell. The bible doesn't mention the consequences of suicide. What it does say is that those who are not in Christ will not be saved. Is the young girl in your example denying God? That's probably the last thing going through her mind at the moment. Is the avowed atheist who is committing doctor-assisted suicide denying God? That's also probably not going through her mind at the time, but of course she already has before then. I say it's between God and the individual.
Me a self-righteous protagonist? I've admitted openly in this forum that I'm not good. In fact, I've taken heat for admitting that I need God to be righteous. Look at your own posts and ask yourself who the self-righteous one is. Sounds like you've lived an unselfish life and that isn't something that should not go unrewarded. I can't even imagine the misery you are going through and there's no way I would take any satisfaction in your situation. There's no way I would want to trade places with you, but a least if I was in your situation I would have the comfort of knowing that I'll have a healthy body for eternity and that's the way it should be for you. Whether you like it or not that's what I think.