While you are all still scratching your heads about the miracle of Fatima, don't forget to look up another event that started similarly in Lourdes, France. A famous movie was made about it called, "The Song of Bernadette". In that case in 1858, a girl named Bernadette claimed a similar vision from a "lady from heaven". Long story short, the lady asked Bernadette to start digging in the dirt, and a spring of water immediately started flowing. As soon as sick people started coming in contact with the water, many were immediately cured of even terminal illnesses. They formed the "Lourdes Medical Bureau" there to start investigating the healings, and this Bureau has been open to doctors of any belief. The healings have been so numerous ever since that over 7000 have been investigated to date. No place else in the world are such healings repeatedly found. We are talking people who are blind, or who have tumors, gangrene, tuberculosis and on and on walking into the water with these ailments, and walking out of the water without them. A document showing many of the approved healings investigated and approved as authentic by the Bureau (their website appears to be under construction so I'm linking to the archives):
Similar to the case with Fatima, no one can explain the claims by Bernadette or the healings that have been happening ever since. Go ahead and swear up a storm, no one in this forum will explain them either. If Bernadette didn't get the information from this lady, the spring would not be there and the healings would not be taking place. People still visit there to this day.
And wouldn't you know it, Jacinta (one of the 3 children from Fatima) and Bernadette from Lourdes were both found incorrupt; another phenomena that leaves atheists looking like a deer in the headlights. But we can save that subject for another time as I don't want to overwhelm your consciences too much in one post.
Similar to the case with Fatima, no one can explain the claims by Bernadette or the healings that have been happening ever since. Go ahead and swear up a storm, no one in this forum will explain them either. If Bernadette didn't get the information from this lady, the spring would not be there and the healings would not be taking place. People still visit there to this day.
And wouldn't you know it, Jacinta (one of the 3 children from Fatima) and Bernadette from Lourdes were both found incorrupt; another phenomena that leaves atheists looking like a deer in the headlights. But we can save that subject for another time as I don't want to overwhelm your consciences too much in one post.