(August 10, 2017 at 10:24 am)Catholic_Lady Wrote: I've had discussions here before about the miracle of the sun. I find it very convincing and impossible to explain away as something other than a supernatural phenomenon. Someone here even said it was a conspiracy by the government (who was somehow able to predict that the sun would do weird things on that day at that time, months ahead of time) and they had the kids involved.
That was a con, nothing more. Not a conspiracy no, but a con yes. Lots of gullible people fell for it and it went global. Really no different a con than Yeti or Big Foot or vampires. If you want to believe crap badly enough you will.
If those who believe this garbage would do a little research on it they would know not all the people attending saw it. Not everyone was buying it.
The sun in reality as science explains it's behavior DOES NOT behave in the way the con artists claimed it did.
Staring directly at the sun, NOT A GOOD IDEA, and or pressing in your eyeballs and rubbing them will produce that illusion of spinning and darting. And or the atmosphere with certain temp, and clouds can bend light and produce the illusion of the sun moving. There are natural explanations for why people fell for it, but there was nothing magical about that day, just tons of gullibility.
Gullibility is why it sold, nothing more.