(September 27, 2017 at 9:59 pm)Astonished Wrote: But does anyone have a specific type of prayer they would need answered or miracle they would need to witness to convince them beyond a doubt?A good start would be god growing a new limb for someone that's missing one. Not that leg-lengthening bullshit parlor trick, an actual leg growing out of a stump in a few seconds.
That would be a real simple test, particularly if I personally know the limbless person.
Short of that it would be impressive if any house of worship had such compelling value propositions that people were lined up for blocks to get them some of that. To hear most religionists describe their value propositions, that's what you'd expect to see. At some point a real One True Religion would quickly convert everyone on the planet. After all, everyone would be healed physically emotionally and mentally, enlightened, comforted, and infused with joy. That and more is regularly promised by god-botherers, if half of it ever happened it would have a more impressive result than, for example Christianity -- 2,000 years on and it still hasn't got more than 33% market penetration, even by the most charitable estimate (cultural Christianity).
Just cutting the bullshit and DELIVERING on what you entice people with, would be a frigging miracle.