What's truly amazing is this wack-a-doo actually thinks anyone is going to waste time reading his shit. Let me take a wild stab in the dark; lots of false equivalencies, unfounded assertions and unfinished points that ultimately would have gone nowhere anyway?
It makes sense that historically the older generations would be considered the cruel ogres oppressing their progeny who rebel and stand up to them. It's not always that way of course but surely the majority of fiction and history shows it that way. Too bad no one who sees that in the bible realizes that the facade of jeebus was in many ways far worse than that of papa Yahweh. Come to think, lots of fiction has the apple not falling very far from the tree.
It makes sense that historically the older generations would be considered the cruel ogres oppressing their progeny who rebel and stand up to them. It's not always that way of course but surely the majority of fiction and history shows it that way. Too bad no one who sees that in the bible realizes that the facade of jeebus was in many ways far worse than that of papa Yahweh. Come to think, lots of fiction has the apple not falling very far from the tree.
Religions were invented to impress and dupe illiterate, superstitious stone-age peasants. So in this modern, enlightened age of information, what's your excuse? Or are you saying with all your advantages, you were still tricked as easily as those early humans?
There is no better way to convey the least amount of information in the greatest amount of words than to try explaining your religious views.
There is no better way to convey the least amount of information in the greatest amount of words than to try explaining your religious views.