Quote:Quote Alpha Male "A natural universe beginning from nothing isn't magic?"
NO, just like a Hurricane doesn't need the ocean God Poseidon as a starting point. Just like Thor isn't a magical gap answer to explain the existence of lightening.
If you are going to say everything comes from something, then where did your God come from?
Problem with your sky wizard as a starting point is that begs the question. YOU claim that everything comes from something else, then that means your God had to be started by something even more complex, and that more complex thing had to be created by something even more complex, and so on and so on and so on. It's called infinite regress.
But, if you claim your God didn't have a cause, then it seems to me the universe wouldn't need something prior either.
How about YOU do the right thing, and accept your belief is merely a desire to want a hero? How about you accept you bought something you like, which is nothing more than a projection of human's qualities in fictional form?
Did the Ancient Egyptians make up and falsely believe in their gods? How about the Mayans? Surely if a God exists it has to be Allah? Or maybe the one real one is the Hindu creator God Brahma?
Or, maybe humans make them up? Maybe the universe is simply one giant weather pattern incapable of caring about our species. Maybe humans need to give up on old superstitions and mythology and stop pretending we are the center of all this in cosmic time.
God didn't come out of nothing, it came out of human imagination, just like the ones you rightfully reject.