A great Prophet, Yonus, was swallowed by a whale in the metaphysical realm, and it was the reality of grief he imposed on himself.
The grief he overwhelmed himself by was pure love of his people who he feared were to be punished, to the extent, he nearly died from it, till he repented to God and God saved him from the grief.
Alpha Male, there is no shame of admitting you were wrong about mental illness. Most people approach to it is wrong.
I do believe there is always an element of will and free-will involved in it, but, is not a malicious type sin nor is out insight, the storms were wild, while we could have handle them and weathered them, and came out stronger, but it is not something we wanted either.
No one wishes mental illness, just like no one wishes to have been gay. Yet both are condemned in my view to a degree, but acting harshly to either is wrong.
Neither can be cured by harshness, a soft approach is needed, and where we are condemned, it might even be better to not emphasize on it but rather be silent till the person awakens themselves and has recovered and is back on track.
Indeed in a time of peril, we were to pull the sword of God and resolve ourselves against it. We failed to and there is no excuse.
But Adam fell to deceptions, the Great Sign of God (Yonus means sign), Yonus, was overcome by grief.
Maybe in time, we will learn to balance, but even great Prophets of God, went imbalanced at times, and were almost swallowed by their own grief and were caught in a dark stomach ready to destroy them.
Abraham and Sarah before being given Isaac were immersed in grief.
May God heal every broken heart, mend the soul of every lone stranger, and cure every mental and physical illness in a very near future, with a relief from him, a relief that will free us of our own ignorance and injustice.
The grief he overwhelmed himself by was pure love of his people who he feared were to be punished, to the extent, he nearly died from it, till he repented to God and God saved him from the grief.
Alpha Male, there is no shame of admitting you were wrong about mental illness. Most people approach to it is wrong.
I do believe there is always an element of will and free-will involved in it, but, is not a malicious type sin nor is out insight, the storms were wild, while we could have handle them and weathered them, and came out stronger, but it is not something we wanted either.
No one wishes mental illness, just like no one wishes to have been gay. Yet both are condemned in my view to a degree, but acting harshly to either is wrong.
Neither can be cured by harshness, a soft approach is needed, and where we are condemned, it might even be better to not emphasize on it but rather be silent till the person awakens themselves and has recovered and is back on track.
Indeed in a time of peril, we were to pull the sword of God and resolve ourselves against it. We failed to and there is no excuse.
But Adam fell to deceptions, the Great Sign of God (Yonus means sign), Yonus, was overcome by grief.
Maybe in time, we will learn to balance, but even great Prophets of God, went imbalanced at times, and were almost swallowed by their own grief and were caught in a dark stomach ready to destroy them.
Abraham and Sarah before being given Isaac were immersed in grief.
May God heal every broken heart, mend the soul of every lone stranger, and cure every mental and physical illness in a very near future, with a relief from him, a relief that will free us of our own ignorance and injustice.