This session of the gun-grabbing debate is so predictable. It only comes up when the poor innocent victims are primarily whites, especially if they are white kids. Then the gun grabbers are out in force demanding that gun possessors turn in over 310 million guns so that another white kid won't get shot and bleed all over the room.
Consider what happened in this incident.
The locals were well-acquainted with a possible mass shooter. The local cops had 39 contacts with him. If he had been a black kid they would have blasted him after the second, if not the first. Then a busy body rats him out to the FBI. The FBI runs an analysis and determines that the kid will soon go on a killing spree. But because the FBI is in a conspiracy against shithole Trump it does nothing, knowing that Trump will act like an idiot when the shooting happens. He doesn't disappoint.
Now why would the FBI allow to kid to progress to the killing stage? Because the cops don't want anyone to have any guns to use against them when they barge in a house in the middle of the night. They know that commies like Soros will fund the campaign to seize guns.
In the meantime the control freaks want to have thug cops intimidating school kids with rifles and condition them to be subservient meek creatures who will never oppose the government.
As part of the campaign paid trolls and willing sheep will post countless opinion pieces about the need to eliminate guns. So they will target regional and State governments to eliminate the right to bear arms from the State Constitutions that have them. Once that is done then they will make a case that since the States don't support the right to bear arms the Second Amendment should be eliminated from the Federal Constitution. The result will be that the people would have willingly given up one of their basic rights. And then they can move on to eliminating all of the others using the same playbook.
Now it's important to note that all of the players may not be operating as a single entity. In fact such a plan works better when multiple players act as independent players. The intent is to make it appear as if everyone is acting on his own instead of being part of a conspiracy. So a thug cop and a school mom don't have to act as one as long as each one pushes the agenda. The gun owner might tell the thug cop to take a leap but he might be more sympathetic to a teary-eyed school mom whose kid just got shot and bled all over the school room.
Expect further incidents non-stop until the goal is achieved.
Consider what happened in this incident.
The locals were well-acquainted with a possible mass shooter. The local cops had 39 contacts with him. If he had been a black kid they would have blasted him after the second, if not the first. Then a busy body rats him out to the FBI. The FBI runs an analysis and determines that the kid will soon go on a killing spree. But because the FBI is in a conspiracy against shithole Trump it does nothing, knowing that Trump will act like an idiot when the shooting happens. He doesn't disappoint.
Now why would the FBI allow to kid to progress to the killing stage? Because the cops don't want anyone to have any guns to use against them when they barge in a house in the middle of the night. They know that commies like Soros will fund the campaign to seize guns.
In the meantime the control freaks want to have thug cops intimidating school kids with rifles and condition them to be subservient meek creatures who will never oppose the government.
As part of the campaign paid trolls and willing sheep will post countless opinion pieces about the need to eliminate guns. So they will target regional and State governments to eliminate the right to bear arms from the State Constitutions that have them. Once that is done then they will make a case that since the States don't support the right to bear arms the Second Amendment should be eliminated from the Federal Constitution. The result will be that the people would have willingly given up one of their basic rights. And then they can move on to eliminating all of the others using the same playbook.
Now it's important to note that all of the players may not be operating as a single entity. In fact such a plan works better when multiple players act as independent players. The intent is to make it appear as if everyone is acting on his own instead of being part of a conspiracy. So a thug cop and a school mom don't have to act as one as long as each one pushes the agenda. The gun owner might tell the thug cop to take a leap but he might be more sympathetic to a teary-eyed school mom whose kid just got shot and bled all over the school room.
Expect further incidents non-stop until the goal is achieved.