(August 31, 2011 at 5:36 pm)Thor Wrote: Yeah, the leve of religious crappola we have to endure is pretty bad. I have to bite my tongue every time we eat at my brother-in-law's. He always begins every meal by saying, "Shall we pray?". In my head I'm screaming, "NO!!!! WE SHOULDN'T!!!". But I have to sit there and smile while they perform their nonsensical ritual of thanking their nonexistent deity. I usually try to busy myself by buttering my bread or playing with my napkin. I don't want to give off the illusion that I'm joining them.
But at least I don't live in the "Bible Belt". A buddy of mine traveled there for business not too long ago. He reported that when they took their lunch break almost everybody sat there reading a Bible while they ate. UGH!
I must ask. Which states do you think of as the bible belt. And nice avatar btw.