This is the professor referred to in the article. Matt Walsh
Of course this professor is never identified which makes this whole thing sound depressingly familiar.
A little of Mr Walsh's musings.
Quote:Greetings Mr. Walsh,
I am a college professor, author, and researcher. It was obvious to me before you ever stated it that you are a man of little education and limited intelligence. Still, I commend your newfound fame and congratulate you on the enormous amounts of money you must be making.
…You have become a hot topic in some of my classes and this very much worries me. It wasn’t until your name came up for a fifth time that I decided to investigate you. Your prose are rife with fallacies and Neanderthalic musings, so I could easily disembowel and discredit any part of it. But I’d like to concentrate on what seems to be your most common themes: heterocentricism and monogamism. Whether you’re writing about marriage, “stay at home moms,” abstinence, or any other “issue of the family,” you seem to think that there is only *one* way and only *one* sort of family...
Of course this professor is never identified which makes this whole thing sound depressingly familiar.
A little of Mr Walsh's musings.
Quote:I think it is very appropriate that the first thing the angel said to the women at the tomb was "do not be afraid." Indeed, what is there for us to fear now? He has already conquered sin. He has already triumphed over death. We were lost and now we're found. We were blind and now we see. He is risen. Hallelujah. Happy Easter, everyone.
It's amazing 'science' always seems to 'find' whatever it is funded for, and never the oppsite. Drich.