Is Atheism the new gay? Without the gay gene, and grand parades. Outspoken Atheists thinkers mainly tell me they do not want GOD believer imposing their Religion upon them. How do you drive a religious person MAD!!! Put them in a round world and tell them to preach in a corner. I do not fully understanding these kinds of extremes because I am not gay nor atheist nor Religious. I just live and let live.
Being a lover and not a fighter I’m merely sharing new ways of thinking.
Like the bad marriage on this forum yet many of you are well adjusted enough. Or like my Mother who was a closet atheist for 35 years and my Dad a Catholic and Brother a Pastor. From this extreme living condition my job was to find our family a loving middle grounds,. It worked! We all love each other very much... It would only work here on this forum if someone was truly sick and tire of endlessly putting down the other side way of thinking. and I had the time . One beautiful thing about my atheist Mother, she loved us 3 kids deeply and she did not put others down.
Being a lover and not a fighter I’m merely sharing new ways of thinking.
Like the bad marriage on this forum yet many of you are well adjusted enough. Or like my Mother who was a closet atheist for 35 years and my Dad a Catholic and Brother a Pastor. From this extreme living condition my job was to find our family a loving middle grounds,. It worked! We all love each other very much... It would only work here on this forum if someone was truly sick and tire of endlessly putting down the other side way of thinking. and I had the time . One beautiful thing about my atheist Mother, she loved us 3 kids deeply and she did not put others down.