RE: God can make infinitely more special/valuable things than this universe
November 26, 2018 at 2:49 pm
(November 24, 2018 at 12:32 am)blue grey brain Wrote: 1. If God is supposedly all powerful, with the ability to create supposedly infinitely far more special things than universes (all while being enormously effortless for God to supposedly do), why do Christians feel themselves or the universe to be so special?
2. Why do Christians feel they or the universe is so special, despite that God would have supposedly easily created infinitely more valuable, infinitely more special things than this universe, within his supposed omnipotency?
3. Note: This universe is by far, theistically describable as not the best God could create, and in theistic theory, God would have in his supposed omnipotency, created far better, far more valuable things.
4. Or is the famed theistic supposedly omnipotent God, ironically limited to creations of merely the level of the specialness or value of this universe?
In simpler words, if we go by the definition of omnipotence, this would indicate that this universe's creation is not the end of God's supposedly unending power.
brain doodles.. kinda like thoughts you think on hold/while waiting. that is what I like to call questions like this.
1 if God is all powerful and can create any thing why hold what was created as special. We were tasked to do so. we were told to go into the world multiply fill it break it/harness it uses it's resources and power.
2 Why do christian feel special despite hat God could have done. well one none of use should feel as if we are 'christian'/Complete picture of holiness, but see ourselves as followers of Christ. That should answer that. in that Christ died for us or his followers to be free from sin despite what God have put in our place.
In essence God decided to fix what was wrong with us rather than create something perfect.
3. value is subjective. we place value or give thing's value. example Street of God pearl and gem encrusted gates mansions for everyone to live in.. does this sound like lavish opulence to you? if so you'd be wrong. God is describing Heaven as a place so... beyond value, that it's base foundations it's base construction are of the things we hold most dear. then things we kill and covet the most (gold jewels and pearls) are as common as the cobble stones in the streets of rome. So because our most valued items are cast out to line the streets (like salt that looses it flavor/what other purpose will it serve other than to be cast under foot) means our hold system of what is valuable and what is not is or will be made meaningless! Again you do not put up gates and wall made of things of value you put up walls and gate to protect things of value. so by lining the gates with pearl and gems means what is inside is of far greater value.
Now ask yourself what will heaven contain... So To God that is where he places value. not in the things man regards as valuable. which is why heaven's common place building material is what we consider to be of great value to us.
for you to say why didn't God make things of more value is like saying why didn't God create the world with more water in it when standing in the desert or why didn't God create more land while in a raft out to sea.. Your value or what you want/need is not a good scale to judge creation by as your exposure any any Given time is so limited you can not judge honestly what is and is not of value.. Rather if you contend that you are a fair judge of what s valuible then know God did not make the world to suit your values and that is why you do not see value in what he has done.
4. this is the question that reduces everything else to a mind fart...
You are asking why doesn't God create something more valuable that what the universe currently contains... This is ad hoc reasoning. because let's say the universe does everything can think of and an infinitum of more possibilities, but you being finite in a fix point in time and space can only ever examine maybe .01% of what is valuable. is it God's fault or doing that you mistake the .01% of the universe as being the whole universe?
Your argument is from ignorance, in the you think... we know and have cataloged everything when in fact we know we only have a tenth of a % of an understanding of how everything in the universe works.
The question here should not be why did create more, but how much can we see? And even then... see answer number 3.. "value" is subjective and based on individual worth.'