Yes, I get angry at religion being used to justify oppression and bigotry. Yes, I get angry at religion being used to deny scientific fact. No, I will not apologize for that. Do not confuse anger with bigotry. I still see good in most humans, but that does not make every claim one makes true by default. There are oppressed religious people in the world, certainly. But in the west, having your claims ridiculed, blasphemed or criticized is not a death sentence as it can be in more closed states in the world.
Our species existed long before any written religion, or nation. Our species behaviors are not being divinely handed down to us from above. Our species ability to be cruel or compassionate are in our evolution, not old mythology. It was understandable that people wrote those things and bought those claims back then when they didn't have benefit of modern knowledge, but we know better now.
If you can understand why you rightfully reject claims of Thor or Apollo, then it should not be that much of a stretch to consider why atheists reject your claims as well.
Our species existed long before any written religion, or nation. Our species behaviors are not being divinely handed down to us from above. Our species ability to be cruel or compassionate are in our evolution, not old mythology. It was understandable that people wrote those things and bought those claims back then when they didn't have benefit of modern knowledge, but we know better now.
If you can understand why you rightfully reject claims of Thor or Apollo, then it should not be that much of a stretch to consider why atheists reject your claims as well.