(May 31, 2009 at 2:49 pm)peace2u Wrote: Sorry, but I disagree. Why? because if this was the case, then it mean that religion does not stand the test of time, Correct? For any religion to say that they are truth and that they are Holy Scriptures are from God, then it must be a way for it to be authenticated. Right? I mean for me (a Muslim) to say that the Quran is up-to-date with the current world and with it's ideas (say scientific facts) then I must show a way for it to authenticated.
Well let me give you some examples of why Islam does not teach backward ideas.
1) Before man use to think that the earth was flat, but in 1597 Sir Francis Drake was the first person who proved that the earth is spherical when he sailed around. However, the concept of the world being Spherical shaped is mentioned in the Quran over 1400 years ago. Who could have known this back than?
2) Before people use to believe that the light of the Moon was its own light, but about 200 years ago, science proved that it was in fact a reflected light from the sun. But, this is mentioned in the Quran over 1400 years ago. Who could have known this back than?
3) For a long time man use to believe that the planets (including the sun) stood still. Just just recently it is proven that the planet rotate its own axis. However, this is mentioned in the Quran over 1400 years ago. Who could have known this back than?
I'm not sure for what other religions say, but Islam does not teach backward ideas but in fact it is up-to-date for many ideas which man did not know.
The same reason that they say Columbus "discovered" America. Apparantly only the white man found everything, we know that is an old-fashioned idea. Just because the Koran holds some truths does not mean that God exists. In fact according to Hinduism, the age of the earth is 10 billion years old, that figure is close to what scientists say. Brahma is a metaphor for the universe, there have been many Brahmas, living and dying, just exactly what scientists say about our universe.
But that just means that ancient people knew a lot more than we understand. And that is the point of my post - that these books were not backward. But there are quite a lot of backward ideas in these books, to blindly follow these books is backward and IMHO Idolatry.
When Science and Religion disagree, Science should prevail, period.