(February 9, 2020 at 7:51 am)anonymous89 Wrote: Greetings! I am currently at a crossroads in my life regarding my beliefs in the supernatural. I do not really want to go into it at this point. It is too messy to hash all out over a forum thread. Anyway, I have listened to a lot of Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss lately as well as the Atheist Experience. At this point, I am not really a proponent of Atheism or a specific religion. I am still a member of the Orthodox Christian Church.
I came across some videos online regarding a purported miracle that is claimed to take place every year on Holy Saturday before Easter. Basically the Orthodox Bishop of Jerusalem goes into the claimed tomb of Jesus. Before hand he is searched by an Israeli police officer for any lighters, matches, etc. He then emerges from the tomb with a lit candle that is said not to burn the skin for the first 20 or so minutes after the bishop emerges. Supposedly scientific research has been performed and the fire's temperature has been taken and it burns cool.
I have a video that has a pilgrim in Jerusalem holding the fire on his skin and running it through his beard. Please take a look at the video and respond with your thoughts. How is this individual's beard not even slightly harmed by the fire? Is there a scientific explanation for any of this? I have heard people claim that it could be white phosphorus that spontaneously combusts, but that would still involve heat.
Thank you in advance for any responses.
Here is also a video that discusses the supposed scientific study of this alleged miracle:
I don't know how Penn And Teller do a lot of things. Many of them more miraculous seeming than this. So I would guess its some kind of trick.
You can fix ignorance, you can't fix stupid.
Tinkety Tonk and down with the Nazis.