Last Feb, a neighbor, 31 y/o guy who lives with his parents, revved the engine of his truck for 2 solid hours, giving us no peace. The guy next door and I asked him to stop. He did for 20 minutes, then started up again. The deputies came and hauled him off for DUI. The truck was running, and he was in it. The kid has other issues. A few years ago, a running back on the local college team passed out in the Wendy's parking lot. The cops saw him, approached, found the keys in the ignition, and arrested him for DUI.
Fayetteville cops are notorious dicks who love to bust college kids. Here's what happened when someone tipped them that the Oklahoma QB was in town being a drunk asshole: Note the numbers and gang tackling in contrast to the manslaughter in the topic
Fayetteville cops are notorious dicks who love to bust college kids. Here's what happened when someone tipped them that the Oklahoma QB was in town being a drunk asshole: Note the numbers and gang tackling in contrast to the manslaughter in the topic