(November 11, 2020 at 7:52 am)Brian37 Wrote: @ OLB
Hey Robosnot,
How about cops shoot less people? Why do you have this fascination with guns and authoritarianism?
Center mass is where your major organs are, and major vessels. And the shooting in the leg, has nothing to do with slowing someone down, legs contain major vessels too, and that can be just as deadly. I really hate the way you think policing is a fucking script and shoot first is justified. Yes shooting someone in the leg is stupid, but so is "shoot first" anywhere on the body.
Bullets are not fucking paint balls no matter what part of the body they hit. I am so sick of the fucking attitude that police have the right to act as judge jury and executioner.
Once again you have completely missed the point and gone off on a "Brian Fuckfest Tangent" ©.
I do have to say I am disappointed. You forgot to rant about the NRA.