(June 8, 2021 at 12:37 pm)arewethereyet Wrote: Thank you for that...very personal information to share and I know it's not easy.
My kids are also grown, the youngest recently turned 34.
When pregnant with my first, my mother tried to force me to have an abortion. At that time, though young and single, I didn't want one. She threatened basically to have dad beat the baby out of me...a very real possibility. But I was 19 and I simply left...with nothing and nowhere to go. I figured it out though it was one hell of a struggle along the way. I probably could have given her a better life had I been in a better place and had her father been the least bit interested. But that's why I can understand the struggle.
Same daughter did have a pregnancy aborted when she was around 20 and over 20 years later says it was the best decision due to where she was in life at the time and what she had been doing when she became pregnant. It's still a tender spot for her but she doesn't regret the decision.
I have not know anyone who has taken the decision to or not to abort lightly. If all things were perfect, I would say we don't need it but since some people find themselves in a position of it being the best decision then it should be available as a safe medical procedure. That's my stance.
Thank you for your reply.
I'm with you on the life trails and decisions. It's tough, emotional strain that leaves scars in many ways.
I respect your stance and opinion. Even if I don't agree 100%. Ron
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