(November 9, 2011 at 10:11 pm)thesummerqueen Wrote: If you want to play that game - where's your direct observation that anything in the Bible happened? Or anything god does?
We are not talking about the Bible, we are talking about Dinosaurs. If you are going to not believe in the Bible because of lack of direct observation then where is your direct observation of dinosaurs since you do believe in them? Fair is fair.
Quote: Skepticism asks for evidence that can be quantified. I'm still not seeing how we're not consistent on that point.
No usually skeptics ask for “proof” of God’s existence, which means they want a sound logical syllogism for the existence of God, I have seen no such syllogism for the existence of dinosaurs; it’s special pleading.
(November 9, 2011 at 10:12 pm)Rhythm Wrote: Oh, so you don't actually subscribe to any of this bullshit? You were trying to make "a point"? Perhaps you should be worried that we'd so readily believe that you were sincere? Or maybe you should stop arguing for bullshit. Entirely. Disingenuous little prick. Is every conversation with you a complete waste of my fucking time?
Maybe you are a Poe.
I made it very clear that this was an exercise; I was going to play the part of the skeptic and play the same games you guys play concerning the existence of God. I find it a bit amusing you thought I was stupid when I was acting like you always do. There still is no sound logical proof for the existence of dinosaurs, so why do you still believe in them?
(November 10, 2011 at 1:59 am)Justtristo Wrote: Actually we have found preserved proteins of T-rex not just bones alone.
Actually many secular scientists do not believe those are actual proteins because proteins cannot survive for millions of years. You are starting to sound like a young earth creationist now.
(November 10, 2011 at 2:04 am)Minimalist Wrote: Horseshit, Waldork. You got caught being an asshole and you're trying to weasel your way out of it.
Reading comprehension is clearly not your strong point gramps.
“You and your assertions get so old, so let's play the game shall we? Can you prove dinosaurs existed?” - SW
So you didn’t know this was a game to prove a point even though I clearly stated it was? That’s funny. You still haven’t given me any “proof” that dinosaurs ever existed though, I want a sound logical syllogism since that what you guys always demand for the existence of God.
(November 10, 2011 at 4:37 am)chadster1976 Wrote: YECtards give sensible believers a really bad name.
I think a better argument could be made that Roman Catholics actually do.
(November 10, 2011 at 7:22 am)thesummerqueen Wrote: [cuddles Chad]
So I figured out!
I really think he enjoys the punishment here.
What punishment? You guys totally got whipped on that one. You pointed to some rocks and asserted, “See these prove that dragon-like creatures ruled the earth millions of years ago! You see this 4th grade textbook agrees with me!” Where is the direct observation? Where are the logical syllogisms? You guys failed to live up to your own stink test and it was hilarious.
(November 10, 2011 at 8:31 am)Zen Badger Wrote:
So somebody took a bunch of rocks made plaster molds of them and made a dragon like creature out of them? How on earth does that prove the dragon-like creature existed in the first place?
(November 10, 2011 at 9:58 am)Rhythm Wrote: More odd shaped rocks. Hmn, that is strange, strange indeed. You could almost imagine that the one on the left is a skeleton, especially when they set it next to a human skeleton. Wonders never cease.
So your argument is exactly the same as the argument from design. You are arguing from the existence of improbability and coincidence. I thought you didn’t except the argument from design as a valid argument? So why is it all of the sudden legitimate when you use it?
(November 10, 2011 at 10:17 am)Cinjin Wrote: 29 rocks all shaped like skulls?
Apparently yes.
Quote: Seriously? Rocks?
What else do you think they are made of? They are made up of minerals.
Quote: Please tell me you're not that stupid. Seriously, if you'll believe that skulls are rocks than you'll believe the world is flat and held up by pillars.
I am pretending to be a dinosaur skeptic by arguing like an atheist, if you think it is stupid then that’s pretty funny because you use the same form of argumentation against the existence of God.