Hello there. I am Lobster lover. I love lobsters. They are wonderful animals. I am a non-theist and a non-atheist. Seems contradictory but I am using two different senses for each label in that case. I am not conflating because I am precisely specifying that. I'm old. It's best to just think of me as ignostic. Not agnostic. But ignostic. A theological non-cognitivist. I am here for science, psychology, entertainment and comparative religion.
Schopenhauer Wrote:The intellect has become free, and in this state it does not even know or understand any other interest than that of truth.
Epicurus Wrote:The greatest reward of righteousness is peace of mind.
Epicurus Wrote:Don't fear god,
Don't worry about death;
What is good is easy to get,
What is terrible is easy to endure