I was working as a volunteer at Kaiser Permanente Hospital's Center for Victims of Sexual Assault. Due to the lack of trained professionals volunteers like me were taught to conduct counseling sessions of sex violence survivors. I am a man, and I have never been abused sexually. But I know how tough it could be for survivors to talk about their experiences. This was a secular counseling; however, if a survivor wanted to discuss her religious beliefs we were prepared for that. There were male victims as well, but my patients were all women.
I do not know the exact nature of your incidents and, may be, i am outstepping my boundaries, and, if this is the case, i apologize for that. I wish you full recovery from any kind of trauma that you may have sustained.
I do not know the exact nature of your incidents and, may be, i am outstepping my boundaries, and, if this is the case, i apologize for that. I wish you full recovery from any kind of trauma that you may have sustained.