Believers insist that Jesus was a real person who performed real miracles. I say he's a myth.
Actually - it is easy to prove that the christ is a myth. He cannot fulfill all the contradicting claims made in the bible for him to begin with
FOR example - according to the christian religion - a god cannot die - is eternal - no beginning and no end.
THe christ is claimed to have been totally human
Yet - he is claimed to have performed feats that are beyond the definition of a human - including raising a rotting corpse from the grave - so the christ myth was NOT a human - but a god - and therefore could not die on a cross.
However - go back to the beginning of the MYTH. At the time period of the fairy tales - people thought that a man supplied a "seed" that grew into a human inside the mother - taking only nourishment - but not actually having anything else in common with the mother. This is obviously the way the bible was written to understand. Today - we know otherwise - and the idea of the christ is genetically impossible. A god and a human would have to be two different species - and when two different species procreate - they do not produce one or the other beings - they produce an intermediate being - like a mule - and in this case - since NO human Y chromosome is involved - it would have to be a female as well.
SO - the christ was born just as Harry Potter was - in the minds of story tellers who believed ancient ideas were true - and are exposed by reality.