RE: Abortion-Killing: The Silent Genocide: 2 Billion Deaths Victims Worldwide.
July 13, 2023 at 5:35 am
(This post was last modified: July 13, 2023 at 5:51 am by Bucky Ball.)
(July 12, 2023 at 8:58 pm)Nishant Xavier Wrote: GN. You should read what Christiano Ronaldo said to a Reporter: "′My mother raised me by sacrificing her life for me. She slept hungry so I could eat at night. We had no money at all. She worked 7 days a week and evenings as a cleaner to buy my first football equipment so that I could become a player, my complete success is dedicated to her. And as long as I live, she will always be by my side and have everything I can give her.". See the difference between children raised with Good Pro-Life Values (Christiano Ronaldo, apart from being perhaps the World's Most Famous Footballer, is also a Devout Catholic), and those raised with false Pro-Abort "values", who'd just effectively euthanize their parents, as even Aegon said above, by abandoning, forsaking, never visiting, never caring, never sending money etc etc to parents. Btw, everyone should save up a fair amount of their own for their own Retirement of course, but absolutely children, now all grown up and Adults, can and should help their parents in every way, as and when they really need it. Not all help need be financial of course, but financial help is included; often aged parents just need love and care, should be visited now and then etc. Neither is this a matter of legality but of moral obligation, which those raised with non-abort good values know intuitively.
What you really should reflect on is the horror of the Throwaway Abortionist Culture of Death you're building. It doesn't have to be that way. But yes, that's what would happen in time; I suppose Hindus would call it Karma. Parents want to kill children and don't care for them; children will do the same. Parents loved their children and gave their best for them when they could; children will do the same in return. As you sow, so shall you reap.
As for me, I too was born poor. My dad died a young age, may his Soul rest in Peace. My Mother worked hard for me, and I will never forget her Love and Sacrifices. Now that I'm fairly well-off, of course I can and do and will provide the very best things for her in return. That's what family is. As for when/if I get married, of course, I will provide for my wife and children most of all; that's what fathers should do. But for my dear mother also as and when she needs help. That's what family is supposed to do, and I pity those who think fornication, divorce, abortion, adultery, etc will lead to happiness instead of marriage, faithfulness, family and love. Even in this life, it almost certainly will not, to say nothing of the next.
It all goes back to Marx and his Militant Atheism, and then the Promotion of Abortion by Bolshevik Communists in Russia. That's where all these horrors of Abortion began and why more than 2 BN children have had to be killed before the world learns the Truth. Carry on, we're seeing how it ends up. We will continue to Pray and Work for Universal Abolition of Abortion. May the Best Ideology, and the Real Truth, win out in the end.
Hymn4n: "In my case, someone who has never believed and wasn’t given the evidence that god gave you that it exists , that me being aborted would have been far better for me than being born to a world Satan controls, never believing and being tortured for all eternity for not believing?"
Well, firstly, who told you you necessarily have to go to Hell and face eternal torment? If you want to go to Heaven, you know what you have to do, believe in Christ as Savior, be Baptized, love God and your neighbor, receive the Sacraments, and live a holy life keeping the Commandments.
Baptized Adults can merit a higher degree of glory in Heaven than Baptized Children who die in infancy can receive; every good work done in the State of Grace merits an Eternal Reward, and the Greater Good Works one has done, the More Suffering one has endured with Love for God and one's neighbor, the higher will be one's Heavenly Crown. Thus, the Lord Jesus said in Rev 2:10: "Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the Crown of Life". and in Revelation 12 He gave the example of His Mother, Who has received the Highest Heavenly Crown after Him: "12 A great sign appeared in heaven: a Woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under Her Feet and a Crown of Twelve Stars on Her Head." This was Her own Reward for accompanying Christ in His Sufferings, as Christiano Ronaldo's mother did in his. See the difference between Christ's Philosophy, which can lead to the Greatest Happiness in Heaven and a fair degree of Happiness right here on Earth, and that of poor worldlings like Karl Marx. Therefore, you should not regret you did not die in infancy, because you can still merit a higher degree of glory in Heaven by accepting the life God has given you here and now, and using it to do good.
And speaking of the Blessed Mother of God, I mentioned how She ended Infanticide in Mexico by appearing to St. Juan Diego in the Apparition known as Our Lady of Gaudalupe. Btw, those who have doubts about the Faith should study that Apparition, and the Public Miracles that accompanied it including the Image itself, which caused nearly 10 Million Mexicans to become Catholic Christian and literally beg Priests day and night to baptize them; such that some Priests baptized nearly a 1 MN with their own hand. And in more recent times, in a contemporary Apparition, the Mother of God said on Abortion and Gaudalupe: "My daughter, I continue to come to you under this title of Guadalupe so that mankind will pursue reconciliation with God. During this time all that calls you back to God - faith, prayer, holiness, life itself - is opposed and persecuted in the world. The sins today are more grievous and more offensive to God than any, for they are not committed through pagan ignorance but by those who say or pretend to love My Jesus or who once loved Him." (She has tears coming down Her cheeks.) "My Immaculate Heart is held in contempt by many when it is always and should be a sign of Refuge. The Angel Gabriel addressed Me as ‘full of grace.' My grace is not for Me but for all people - all nations."
Nothing is set in stone. The world we want to build and leave to ourselves and our future children is up to decide: a culture that welcomes life, and that respects parents in old age, or a throwaway culture of death that is all that abortion culture can produce. May God have Mercy on us all.
Why did you take out the part where yesterday you said you formed a firm intention to commit a mortal sin, (have an abortion, if you got pregnant from your former husband) and do not regret it, (ie are unrepentant about it) ? Best get thee to confession girlfriend. How scandalous you are, here, preaching at others, and do not see the beam in your own eye. People go to hell for this sort of thing. Stating she would do the very thing she says we can't do, and has NO REGRETS about it. That's probably the most hypocritical thing I've ever read. You are not licensed to preach. This says you're a father. Yesterday you said you were woman. WTAF ? Woah, have you lost your damn mind ?
Every religion is true one way or another. It is true when understood metaphorically. But when it gets stuck in its own metaphors, interpreting them as facts, then you are in trouble. - Joseph Campbell 
Militant Atheist Commie Evolutionist

Militant Atheist Commie Evolutionist