I'm no expert, but in its basic form libertarian freewill is the capacity for an agent to choose between two possible outcomes - A or B.
Under LFW it is within my power to choose to instantiate the stae of affairs where I type X or Y.
Contrary to this, determinism would state that I was always going to push X or Y and that there is no agent making a choice, only an illusion (perhaps) of such.
Under materialism where everything beyond the quantum level (or maybe QM too) has naturalistic prior cause, there can he no agent freewill. Whether I typed X or Y was due to the laws of physics outworking in my brain, one brain state to another, and that itself was dependant upon a prior state of affairs, all the way to back to the first cause.
Under LFW it is within my power to choose to instantiate the stae of affairs where I type X or Y.
Contrary to this, determinism would state that I was always going to push X or Y and that there is no agent making a choice, only an illusion (perhaps) of such.
Under materialism where everything beyond the quantum level (or maybe QM too) has naturalistic prior cause, there can he no agent freewill. Whether I typed X or Y was due to the laws of physics outworking in my brain, one brain state to another, and that itself was dependant upon a prior state of affairs, all the way to back to the first cause.