We have a GSA at my school too, passionateguy. (Sorry, I just don't want to call you a p-fool when you're being all open and vulnerable.) It is hugely attended by students who are passionately supportive. The woman who runs it is the most popular teacher on campus and wide open with her lesbian self. (She has a crush on me and I love her a lot.) She and her partner have two little boys that are just about as butch as she is. No one is going to mess with these guys and if they do mama will crush them.
Honestly Mehmet, gay isn't so bad. It doesn't totally suck. You can also take it like a man (as I'm always encouraging my wife to do). Besides if you just don't want any gay sex, you don't have to! But you know what they say ... try it once and you're a philosopher, try it twice and you're pervert but if you don't ever try it you're just plain chicken.
Honestly Mehmet, gay isn't so bad. It doesn't totally suck. You can also take it like a man (as I'm always encouraging my wife to do). Besides if you just don't want any gay sex, you don't have to! But you know what they say ... try it once and you're a philosopher, try it twice and you're pervert but if you don't ever try it you're just plain chicken.