Quote:I know before I even write the first word to you that you will disagree with what I say, now does that make me all knowing, not in the least.Are you a god or a mortal? I specifically pointed this out that God doesnt know like "book learning" know. He KNOWS everything as in experienced everything. If he hasnt, then he is not all knowing, all powerful, or omnipresent. Its very clear and obvious.
Quote:Does that mean because of this knowledge it was pre-planned by me that you would disagree, I do not think so.If an all knowing God exists? Then yes. God would have known me and you would have this argument, and if he didnt want it to happen it would not have happened. He knew we would have this arguement before he created this universe, yet he created us anyways. That means we are doing EXACTLY what god wants us to do right now...well...if an all knowing god exists, of course.
Quote:God knew what would happen and yet gave man freewill,Wait...wait wait wait. Lets just say that for the moment I am a psychic. I can see the future flawlessly. I know what will happen before it happens with great detail.
Now lets say that I see into the future and see that a little girl will get raped and murdered just down the street. It is the little girls freewill NOT to be raped and murdered. It is the rapists freewill to rape and murder.
Since I have the ability to see all of the rapists plans in detail before they happen, that means I might have the ability to thwart his malevolent plans. It depends on how much power I have. I am just a human, and not all powerful, so therefore I am not able to stop the rape and murder. The future that I saw was unchangeable by me, and I was helpless to change the temporal script of the universe.
Okay, now lets say that I am a psychic that also has a good amount of power to go against the temporal script. I can not only see the future, but I can change it as well. I am more than capable of stopping that rape and murder easily, with plenty of time to prepare in the process.
Now, you tell me... if I DONT save that child from rape and murder, even though I had more than enough ability to do so, does that make me benevolent or malevolent?
Now put me in the situation of a God. I have the owers of creation, to know everything, and to change it if I wished. If I didnt like something, I would naturally not let it happen.
Now, even if I DIDNT use my power to change everything I saw in the future, I still had the power TOO change it. I would also be the greatest authority EVER. So honestly there would be nothing outside of my will. Everything that would ever happen would be because I wished it. If i didnt wish it, it would not exist.
Therefore, if an allpowerful, allknowing, omnipresent God exists, then there is NO freewill and we are naturally doing what God WANTS us to do.
Quote:God also planned to sacrifice his Son for the redemption of man before he created, this plan was the only thing that was predestined, this is the love God has for man kind.Bullshit. You dont even know your own Bible.
I guess we are throwing the ENTIRE book of Revelations out the window then, right?
I dont blame you...the book of revelations sucks anyways. It doesnt even make for good fiction....well, some parts of it are okay. 2 out of 5 stars for literature.
Quote: Yes, because of God's nature you can reject him and he will not make you believe, this is freewill.If god is all powerful and all knowing he knew I would reject him before he even created Adam and Eve. He knew that people would go to their deaths rejecting him...yet he created them anyways and even created an everlasting torture for them
That means, since God went ahead and created these atheists, Muslims, etc... that means he WANTS them to reject him, and he WANTS them to die in their rejection and he WANTS them to burn for all eternity.
He knew they would reject him, yet he still created Hell.
Quote:Outside of choosing to believe or not is not truly freewill, it is the result of your choice.You are telling me that my weak, mortal choice is stronger than an all powerful, all knowing, ever present gods choice?