(January 27, 2012 at 10:26 pm)padraic Wrote: I don't have any special problems with Google.
The Internet IS NOT ANONYMOUS. If say a government agency wants to hack my computer,it will,or simply seize it.
I have the best security I can get my hands on.However,I leave NOTHING on my hard drive I don't want others to see. Any sensitive stuff is deleted using 7 pass overwrite.
Few corrections:
1) The Internet can be anonymous; it's one of the reasons why hacktivist groups can do what they do and remain largely uncaught. At the moment, Tor is the most common (and popular) tool for giving you anonymity online.
2) It is a myth that governments have the power to hack anyone's laptop. If you use a decent firewall, and some form of full disk encryption, there isn't much they can do, even if they seize the device itself.
3) Most security gurus recommend the 35-pass Gutmann method for secure deletion. Storing the information in an encrypted format is a valid alternative.