(February 7, 2012 at 3:25 pm)Faith No More Wrote: Oh, sure, but there's something about Christians that they always need to believe that someone is trying to bring them down or destroy their way of life. Sure, the lady mentions how Muslims in Lebanon are killing Christians, but to declare all Muslims are trying to bring down America, which I'm sure she believes to be a Christian nation, is just her persecution complex and bigotry combined. The fact is extremists who happen to be Muslims, not Muslims in general are trying to bring us down.
Oh someone actually watched at least part of the video my hat goes off to you.
I think that Christians have to believe that someone is trying to bring them down because it creates a sense of cohesion in their group, solidifying them, in the face of their illogical beliefs. This is the same reason why they have fellowship, the fellowship of believers to "support each other in their faith" because without the support I have a nasty feeling their belief with discintegrate (spelling?) in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Now, for a nation, there is also a need for cohesion, yes? This is why patriotism exists I think. This is why the government/media paints our enemies in such stark, extreme, evil colors, to make us as a nation bond together against whoever we are fighting against. Demonization of another country.