(March 20, 2012 at 2:54 am)FallentoReason Wrote: Question. Can you show me how we can conclude that e.g. Matthew did infact write his own gospel? Here's food for thought as well. Scholars say Matthew was written after Mark.
Would you be too upset if you found out the book of Mathew wasn't written by anyone named Mathew at all??
In the Hebrew account of the book Authorship is accredited to one Mathias. (Funny how champions of the faith got western/anglo names and the rest like Judas got to keep their given names)
My point is that if you are so involved in the division of scripture as to take on the responsibility for it's content then you have missed the Whole point in which the bible was written, And all of the Gospel contained in those pages.
The God of the bible is responsible for it's content. not us. For if we set out to worship Him following the only book He has provided and make a mistake then it is Up to Him to have made a change (Like with the finding of the dead sea scrolls) or to simply forgive our earnest efforts built on passages that only He can consider to be in error.