About weather hell is a literal or symbolic place the christian faith clearly desctibes it as a real physical place that is eternal seperation from God. It is my personal belief that those that go to hell were given the lifetime needed to make their decision about where they would choose to go. At the time of death whatever decision was made was the only decision that would have ever been made by that person. Even if given a million years on earth they would have still chosen to be apart from God. So God sends nobody to hell people choose to go there. The bible states that hell is seperation from god and also all good things come from god, so if god isnt there than nothing good is there either hence the flames and brimstone and whatnot. It even says that people in hell are still unrepentant so they still choose to be there as crazy as that sounds to me personally. So its not that is purposless torture as in trying to get information from sombody its just a destination that is arrived at by people with the perspective that heaven is hell.
Islam has killed millions in the last decade, lets focus all attention on Christianity!