RE: My girlfriend wants our kids introduced to "all major world religions"
May 5, 2012 at 8:35 pm
(This post was last modified: May 5, 2012 at 9:02 pm by Oldandeasilyconfused.)
Quote:Yes, but then again no good can possibly come of them being around the highly religious types.
Not before the age of reason,but once they reach say 12, being around such people in controlled doses,with you to answer questions, will help them develop their critical thinking skills. Hopefully you will provide enough for your children to make informed choices about what they believe,or not.
There are plenty of decent secular books about any religion you can think of for children of all ages. Perhaps start with your local library,or go on line. I'd be wiling to bet there are LOT of parents in your position,even with kids at public schools.
Quote:This is basically what you said..."Critical thinking may not lead to my beliefs but they most certainly will not lead to yours." You're making a baseless assumption. You "speaking about" me as if you know what I believe.
Yes it is an assumption,but a reasonable one. Your pots have given a reasonable idea of your beliefs, unless you have been lying.
As a broad generalisation, our beliefs, values, and world views are no more than an accident of birth. They are inculcated into children uncritically before the age of reason,becoming part of the person's identity. Few people ever seriously question their strongest beliefs about anything, To do so is far too threatening.
Hence, atheist are a tiny minority of the human population. There are vast numbers of people who remain loyal to a political party no matter how much of a pig's breakfast their elected officials make of the job. There are millions of Catholics who insist on continuing to defend the indefensible behaviour of the Church. Then there is special category of bloody minded ignorance;the young young earth creationists.These are people so emotionally needy,so desperate and so fearful,they have actually developed the ability to simply deny any evidence which contradicts their interpretation of the mythology of an illiterate tribe of bronze age goat herders.