(May 13, 2012 at 8:08 am)ElDinero Wrote: Here's what I think about you. Firstly, you're stuck in the past in a big way. Even if everything you said was true and marriage was for men and women only, times do and must change. We live in a society now where there is much less persecution of homosexuals, and it's about time. There is no reason whatsoever for there to be disparity of rights between people of different leanings in this way.
Secondly, you have redefined marriage to suit your own agenda, and it's based on nothing. Marriage is a union, that is literally what the word means. The children issue is irrelevant, and even if you could find a definition of marriage that makes procreation a focal point, it's irrelevant for the reasons outlined above.
Thirdly, as has been pointed out, marriage is an institution that predates your religion and is anything but sacred. It's a temporary contract binding two people, nothing more.
"Under UK law, the legal definition of marriage is the ''union of a man and a woman''. With same-sex partnerships the legal definition of marriage would not apply. The Civil Partnership Act was created as the solution whereby same-sex couples can become ''married'' and benefit from the legal rights that mixed-sex marriage affords." Contract Law UK
"The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life, is by its nature ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring; this covenant between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament." Catechism of the Catholic Church.
This isn't an issue about equality, in the UK homosexuals can register civil partnerships and have all the legal rights of marriage that heterosexual couples have. This is about the pro-gay movement wanting to redefine marriage in order to force Churches to perform same sex marriages. They say this isn't the case and no Churches would be forced into doing this, but militant homosexuals will be able to push this to the European courts under the guise of human rights if they are granted marriage in the UK. Its a triumph of common sense and reason that the UK government has backed down on this issue, hoorah!