GC Wrote:Well I'm not Catholic, so I do not know how much money they have, why should a religious institution be any different than corporations that have billions and refuses to pay their employs fair wages or give them good health insurance. I'm well aware of what has happened with priest and young boys, that is completely unacceptable. I also know that the Catholic church does a lot of good works throughout the world that these super rich corporations would not consider doing. If you want to throw stones at the Church fine, just do what's right and throw stones all the others that fit into your definition.
I'm the admin of a page called 'Banksy Facebook Revolution'. We condemn any institution that is greedy and corrupt. I hold no special place in my heart for religious institutions. If you're manipulating people for your own wealth and not giving anything back, then you are going to incur my wrath. I know that many churches do great things; and I'd even go as far as to say that I'm of the opinion that reform would be better than complete abolition.
GC Wrote:So, you find it OK to condemn all Christians because of a few who offend you. Maybe it would be good to adopt a Christian belief that many Christians hold to, forgive those who offend you. Atheist call me deluded, crazy, full of____, stupid, ass____, and so many other choice phrases. Why, because of what I do, no, simply because I believe in Christ, sound familiar. I forgive them, they will not have any control or effect on my christian faith.
I believe that the word "many" should have been your clue here. I also have "many" Christian friends - in fact - two of them write for my blogs. We discuss matters of morality etc. often; and those discussions do not involve judgement from either party.
GC Wrote:That bothers me also, know what else bothers me, this very thing happens in all walks of life, in every social group, again I find forgiveness the best thing for my life.
Oh I don't hold any contempt towards anyone. However, I'll fight to make sure that right is done, before I can even begin to worry about forgiving.
GC Wrote:Homosexuals have all the rights of everyone else in this country except for marriage, marriage as defined is between a man and a woman and that does not fit homosexual relationships. What would you have us do, compromise on what we believe, how fair is that to Christians. What would you compromise in your beliefs to allow prayer in school.
Not in the U.S. they don't. I don't believe that churches etc. should be forced to marry homosexuals. I specifically referred to legal rights, which most religions are actively campaigning against. I'm not against prayer in school - I am only against prayer being forced on those with different beliefs. If it's in the classroom then it is not inclusive. Unless you're going to spend the whole lesson catering to every student, from a variety of religions. Or are you referring only to allowing Christian prayer in schools?
GC Wrote:Your attitude is a part of you and stating what part of your life is like and to me it says you're not always happy and placid. I know I'm not always happy, but I do always have the peace of Christ and if one doesn't have that one doesn't know what that does in one's life. Anyone who believes those things you stated in the bold may not have experienced the grace of God or their ignoring the commandments of Christ. You need to remember Christians are not sinless, they are to sin less, but we are forgiven by God and because of that we should remember not to treat others badly.
That doesn't necessarily follow as true. You concede that you are not always happy and placid, then go on to say that because you have the peace of Christ it makes it all better. When I get angry and frustrated I look to nature; the good in people; my children's smiles; read a good book; watch a funny movie etc. and I feel peace. When I treat others badly I too feel regret and remorse, then I correct my actions by apologising and making amends. I'm not really getting where you are going with this, by way of a counter argument.