RE: TED talk: It's the middle class consumers, not the rich who create jobs
May 20, 2012 at 2:28 pm
Oh trust me, Stue, when I say "benefit," don't let it be thought that I am saying it's a benefit for the American people as a whole. I'm saying that the government itself benefits from it because technically it can never really run out of money. However, the way in which our government spends its money and where it gives it first is what's fucking everything over.
Truth be told, it was a move of sheer, unimaginably disgusting shrewd brilliance on the part of the republicans, what they did. Run a money-grubbing scam with the housing market for eight years by tearing down regulations on it while they have a congressional, senatorial, and executive grip on DC politics. Continue to milk it to its last until the elections for the new president, and immediately force a decision upon said new president that makes him decide between making all in the banking "industry" even richer by "bailing them out," or run the risk of political suicide by basically sitting back and watching as the banks collapse a la Great Depression 2.0 as his first act as President.
Shit like that is why every time someone starts crying about how totally unfair increasing the taxes on the rich are or why regulations are sooooo bad, I laugh in their faces until my sides hurt. And then I keep laughing because it is THAT FUCKING HILARIOUS.
Truth be told, it was a move of sheer, unimaginably disgusting shrewd brilliance on the part of the republicans, what they did. Run a money-grubbing scam with the housing market for eight years by tearing down regulations on it while they have a congressional, senatorial, and executive grip on DC politics. Continue to milk it to its last until the elections for the new president, and immediately force a decision upon said new president that makes him decide between making all in the banking "industry" even richer by "bailing them out," or run the risk of political suicide by basically sitting back and watching as the banks collapse a la Great Depression 2.0 as his first act as President.
Shit like that is why every time someone starts crying about how totally unfair increasing the taxes on the rich are or why regulations are sooooo bad, I laugh in their faces until my sides hurt. And then I keep laughing because it is THAT FUCKING HILARIOUS.