(May 27, 2012 at 6:50 pm)Moros Synackaon Wrote: ...
i only used "abuse" because we were talking about the couple versions of drugs that are abused heavily here. then i errantly tried to describe what i thought they were. i thought you came off rather snobbish, just how i read your words, so i told you how i felt about the subject. and i feel the same about it now. this isn't the first time you came at me a little ignorantly (tho in honesty, you've seemed much more cool lately), so it wasn't out of the question for me to think that way reading this past one.
btw, i didn't say "wasted lives", if you quote me, quote me correctly. i said "was a wasteful way to live your life", i don't think i need to point out the distinction. congrats on your being someone's lead developer. it appears you love to let people know how intelligent you are, that's great but i'm not here to stroke any egos. also, i don't think you're a bad guy because of this thread or otherwise, but i am getting worn out with people acting pretentious around here.
for some freethinkers, there are certainly a lot of closed-minded folks, in that it's their way or the highway. there's no rule to what i think and what i say and it's apparent that there isn't for anyone else either.
they can land a rover on mars, yet they still have to stick a human finger up my ass to do a prostate exam?! - ricky gervais