End sex abuse cover ups by not donating money to the RCC.
Last night as I watched the news about what Pennsylvania State University is doing to clean up their record and prevent future child sex abuse at their university I thought of this. I thought of the dichotomy between how PSU is handling an abuse and cover up vs. how the RCC (Roman Catholic Church) is handling their own abuse and cover ups and I thought "How noble of PSU for going to great lengths to clean up, if only the RCC would be so noble." Then I thought of motivation and I thought better of their noble motives. The NCAA has come down hard on PSU http://articles.latimes.com/2012/jul/23/...e-20120724 PSU has also lost a lot of money in scholarships, fines, sponsors, etc. To sum it up, they're loosing a lot of money and a lot of ability to make money in the future. It's about money, not (much) about morals.
So then I thought of the RCC and what was behind their motives for cover ups and I say, it's about money. The RCC fears that sex abuse scandals will cause people to become disenchanted with the RCC. They will leave the church, stop donating, stop sponsoring things. That's when I thought "Well if that's what they fear, I say give them what they fear." Catholics all over the world should stop donating money to the RCC in protest of the RCC's abuse and cover ups. To make this work it must be organized.
The people who would be hurt the worst at first by this protest would be the people and organizations lowest down in the hierarchy. Admittedly those may also be charity organizations that actually do some good. To remedy this I say just donate the money that would ordinarily go to the church to secular organizations who do the same kind of work (feed the homeless, provide medical care etc.). Catholic schools will also hurt; donate the money to secular schools, scholarships, after school tutoring programs etc.
What do y'all think of this?
Has this already been thought of? Is there an organized group or should I start a FB campeign (or something like that) to push for this?
Last night as I watched the news about what Pennsylvania State University is doing to clean up their record and prevent future child sex abuse at their university I thought of this. I thought of the dichotomy between how PSU is handling an abuse and cover up vs. how the RCC (Roman Catholic Church) is handling their own abuse and cover ups and I thought "How noble of PSU for going to great lengths to clean up, if only the RCC would be so noble." Then I thought of motivation and I thought better of their noble motives. The NCAA has come down hard on PSU http://articles.latimes.com/2012/jul/23/...e-20120724 PSU has also lost a lot of money in scholarships, fines, sponsors, etc. To sum it up, they're loosing a lot of money and a lot of ability to make money in the future. It's about money, not (much) about morals.
So then I thought of the RCC and what was behind their motives for cover ups and I say, it's about money. The RCC fears that sex abuse scandals will cause people to become disenchanted with the RCC. They will leave the church, stop donating, stop sponsoring things. That's when I thought "Well if that's what they fear, I say give them what they fear." Catholics all over the world should stop donating money to the RCC in protest of the RCC's abuse and cover ups. To make this work it must be organized.
The people who would be hurt the worst at first by this protest would be the people and organizations lowest down in the hierarchy. Admittedly those may also be charity organizations that actually do some good. To remedy this I say just donate the money that would ordinarily go to the church to secular organizations who do the same kind of work (feed the homeless, provide medical care etc.). Catholic schools will also hurt; donate the money to secular schools, scholarships, after school tutoring programs etc.
What do y'all think of this?
Has this already been thought of? Is there an organized group or should I start a FB campeign (or something like that) to push for this?
I have studied the Bible and the theology behind Christianity for many years. I have been to many churches. I have walked the depth and the breadth of the religion and, as a result of this, I have a lot of bullshit to scrape off the bottom of my shoes. ~Ziploc Surprise