Infrequent and erratic poster, (don't, just don't, with the instability jokes).
With apology's to the guy,s having the logic discussion above, I want to talk about faith love and hope.
Hope. To wish for something with expectation of its fulfilment.
Faith. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
Love. A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. ( Or persons, I am a bit unsure about the passionate part, as it may give the wrong impression, but I will let it stand.)
Straight out the dictionary, among other definitions.
Forget for a moment that I am a Christian, don't put the shutters down, just let your mind run free for a minute.
Faith, hope and love, these are powers you and others have, powers that can, have and will change the world.
Hope, hopes active, the doctor hopes to find a cure, so he looks for one, Hope drives people to find solutions to look for answers, nothing passive about hope.
Faith, I will call it belief, if you don't mind to remove the religious connotations, is the most powerful force on earth. Let me explain, look around you at the world you inhabit, all the different races, nations, economy's, legal and political systems etc etc. In fact most of the structure of the world, only exists initially within the human mind. It is only by people collectively believing having faith in these things that they exist. That money in your pocket is only worth that coffee and donuts if the guy that has them, believes it is.
That's power, it can move mountains, is doing in china at the moment.
Love, is also a driving force, but it is a governing force as well. (you can remember I am a Christian now if you want)
That guy over there is different from me, not part of my group, different religion, different complexion, different ways to me, all my animal instinct tell me he is a threat, even other people tell me he is a threat. But if I treat that guy as a threat, he will in turn feel threatened and will see me as a threat
Then may actually become the threat I originally feared. If I treat him with a bit of kindness there is a good chance he wont be a threat, most people are not.
Well that's my definition, there is a lot more to the concepts, the three together and love the most important. Also if looking around the world and you don't like what you see, what is only held together by you and others collective belief, then perhaps you and the others can believe something else.
With apology's to the guy,s having the logic discussion above, I want to talk about faith love and hope.
Hope. To wish for something with expectation of its fulfilment.
Faith. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
Love. A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. ( Or persons, I am a bit unsure about the passionate part, as it may give the wrong impression, but I will let it stand.)
Straight out the dictionary, among other definitions.
Forget for a moment that I am a Christian, don't put the shutters down, just let your mind run free for a minute.
Faith, hope and love, these are powers you and others have, powers that can, have and will change the world.
Hope, hopes active, the doctor hopes to find a cure, so he looks for one, Hope drives people to find solutions to look for answers, nothing passive about hope.
Faith, I will call it belief, if you don't mind to remove the religious connotations, is the most powerful force on earth. Let me explain, look around you at the world you inhabit, all the different races, nations, economy's, legal and political systems etc etc. In fact most of the structure of the world, only exists initially within the human mind. It is only by people collectively believing having faith in these things that they exist. That money in your pocket is only worth that coffee and donuts if the guy that has them, believes it is.
That's power, it can move mountains, is doing in china at the moment.
Love, is also a driving force, but it is a governing force as well. (you can remember I am a Christian now if you want)
That guy over there is different from me, not part of my group, different religion, different complexion, different ways to me, all my animal instinct tell me he is a threat, even other people tell me he is a threat. But if I treat that guy as a threat, he will in turn feel threatened and will see me as a threat
Then may actually become the threat I originally feared. If I treat him with a bit of kindness there is a good chance he wont be a threat, most people are not.
Well that's my definition, there is a lot more to the concepts, the three together and love the most important. Also if looking around the world and you don't like what you see, what is only held together by you and others collective belief, then perhaps you and the others can believe something else.