Quote:To what extent do insanely drunk people have access to their memories while they're drunk?
Well I can only speak for this recovering alcoholic. When off my face, I DIDN'T NOTICE anything unusual about my memory.
However, I did have problems with what's called "alcohol-related amnesia" (blackouts) whereby you do things whilst drunk of which you have no memory when sober.
EG I once lost a half full 5 litre cask of wine.I found it three days later in the washing machine. OK,that's a little odd,but blackouts can be dangerous, such as getting into a car and driving; people get killed.
WARNING PREACHY BIT (ignore this bit if you like)
IF you have a blackout when drunk,EVER, you and alcohol are not friends. You may ALREADY have a problem..
Quote:A blackout is a phenomenon caused by the intake of alcohol in which long term memory creation is impaired or there is a complete inability to recall the past. Blackouts are frequently described as having effects similar to that of anterograde amnesia, where the subject literally does not remember what has happened in the recent past. 'Blacking out' is not to be confused with the mutually exclusive act of 'passing out', which means loss of consciousness. Research on alcohol blackouts was begun by E. M. Jellinek in the 1940s. Using data from a survey of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) members, he came to believe that blackouts would be a good predictor of alcoholism. [1] However, there are conflicting views as to whether or not this is true. [2]