Well, I think the issue is certainly one of when the foetus can suffer and feel pain. I'm not saying there's no exceptions, but I say the more the baby matures and the more intense it's ability to feel is, the more that it would become like murder to abort it. Because the mother of course wouldn't kill a newborn baby - that would be murder, and it is from the point that it first develops suffering onwards that it gets closer to how it is at birth - and the more reluctant the mother should be to have the abortion IMO.
There is indeed no actual exact cut off point; it's all gradual. But I'd say it's totally safe before the baby can feel pain at all, in any way, shape, or form. Safe for the baby that is - how the mother feels about it is still an issue then and depends. But IMO it is once the foetus is capable of feeling pain, that it should be decided how moral or immoral it would be if the mother were to make the decision to abort.
Well, I think the issue is certainly one of when the foetus can suffer and feel pain. I'm not saying there's no exceptions, but I say the more the baby matures and the more intense it's ability to feel is, the more that it would become like murder to abort it. Because the mother of course wouldn't kill a newborn baby - that would be murder, and it is from the point that it first develops suffering onwards that it gets closer to how it is at birth - and the more reluctant the mother should be to have the abortion IMO.
There is indeed no actual exact cut off point; it's all gradual. But I'd say it's totally safe before the baby can feel pain at all, in any way, shape, or form. Safe for the baby that is - how the mother feels about it is still an issue then and depends. But IMO it is once the foetus is capable of feeling pain, that it should be decided how moral or immoral it would be if the mother were to make the decision to abort.