(September 27, 2012 at 1:45 am)Creed of Heresy Wrote: Lol. The salt is strong with this one.
See, I would not have bothered had you not stated "actually..." as the opening word to your post. When you apply "actually" as the opening word of a sentence it typically means you are contradicting the information provided, and in later posts you continued to imply that saying that hydrogen is two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen is somehow wrong, when in fact, it is not. I am not stating that your post that the composition of the mass is wrong, it is rather true, what I AM saying is wrong is how you seemed to assume that the statement "two parts hydrogen one part oxygen" is wrong when by definition it is actually NOT, it is quite true. THAT is what I am taking issue with, not the numbers you provided.
Communication, it's very important.
Also, you will have to pardon me for my aggressive reactions, this month has not been the best and my tolerance and patience is razor-thin right now.
So yes. I will give you that your statement about the percentages was accurate if you admit that the definition of water as two parts hydrogen one part oxygen is ALSO accurate. Ball's in your court.
Communication is important? So important that you would lie about what I actually said? Where exactly did I say "actually"?
I don't have to "admit" anything, I never said Harris' statement was wrong now did I? The potato pancake example should be proof of that...