I completely agree. It's a terrible, terrible argument - it's hardly even an argument at all, it's all covered up with BS. It's basically a form of the Appeal to Emotion fallacy.
Ever since I knew of that argument, named as an argument! - as 'Pascal's Wager' I've thought it's the worse.
To those who think it's a real argument confuse the actual argument with how sophisticated the wording is in expressing it, IMO. When you get to what the argument actually is, it's all appeal to emotion basically. Not even a proper argument. Terrible.
Ever since I knew of that argument, named as an argument! - as 'Pascal's Wager' I've thought it's the worse.
To those who think it's a real argument confuse the actual argument with how sophisticated the wording is in expressing it, IMO. When you get to what the argument actually is, it's all appeal to emotion basically. Not even a proper argument. Terrible.