This thread has become decidedly depressing.
Anybody who can't see through the self serving sophistry of "the wisdom of the wise is made foolish" and such is obviously still struggling to respond to the question, "I know you are, but what am I?"
Here, let me write something prophetic! "There will be a group in the land that call themselves Christians and following a book called the bible, and this shall be a sign that only atheists know the truth about God." Poinh! Shunn the unbeliever! You think you know about God, but this here prophecy makes clear that because you exist, you don't know about God. (God's honest truth.) The goddess has spoken, it must be true!
I'm guessing GC didn't get to exercise the buying power of his lunch money very often as a child.
For what it's worth, I think the notion that the growth of reason will extinguish the flickering candle of faith is an overly optimistic one. There are reasons underpinning the existence of religion, imo, that aren't going to go away as a result of the encroachment of reason. Though I think the trend towards greater secularism and tolerance of diversity will continue. Perhaps it's hard for me to be objective, but my take on the science is that it isn't the Good News versus the Good Word of atheism. Moreover, I was born a child, became a theist, became an atheist, became an atheistic religious person, and then embraced a new deity from a radically different tradition. The reasons and substance of these changes are not something I intend to discuss, but I doubt many would accuse me of being unintelligent or deluded or brainwashed in the sense that your "reason shall overcome" thesis would seem to require me to be to explain my theism. Then again, I am profoundly mentally ill, and never have considered myself particularly rational. Go figure.