Whenever I see a wall of text a few pages down the thread, I google a passage:
You've been busy, spreading the same piece of text everywhere and sticking to the same "I'm right, you can't prove me wrong, so I'm definitely right" speech.
For this sort of claims, there is the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
The religion that worships the FSM is called pastafarianism.
This is the symbol of this most mightiest of mightiests, most holiest of holies:
Pastafarianism is growing steadily and has various churches around the world.
As it says in the image above, if you can prove that your religion is right, these guys will stop believing in the FSM.
So, please do so!
Otherwise, your claim that "the qur'an is the true word of Allah" has an equal footing as the pastafarianists' claim that the FSM is "up there".
You've been busy, spreading the same piece of text everywhere and sticking to the same "I'm right, you can't prove me wrong, so I'm definitely right" speech.
For this sort of claims, there is the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
The religion that worships the FSM is called pastafarianism.
This is the symbol of this most mightiest of mightiests, most holiest of holies:
Pastafarianism is growing steadily and has various churches around the world.
As it says in the image above, if you can prove that your religion is right, these guys will stop believing in the FSM.
So, please do so!
Otherwise, your claim that "the qur'an is the true word of Allah" has an equal footing as the pastafarianists' claim that the FSM is "up there".