Were Osiris, Wodin, Quetzalcoatl, Marduk, Guan-Yu, Dagda, Hathor, Saturn, Tammuz, Thor, Manco Copac, Ahura Mazda, Athena, Thoth, Arvernus, etc., etc. real too?
The xtian assertion about their god boy amounts to little more than special pleading. They would be the first to declare that all the above are mere myths BUT NOT OUR BOY!!! FUCK NO.. HE WAS REAL!
Xtianity is the ultimate expression of special pleading.
The xtian assertion about their god boy amounts to little more than special pleading. They would be the first to declare that all the above are mere myths BUT NOT OUR BOY!!! FUCK NO.. HE WAS REAL!
Xtianity is the ultimate expression of special pleading.