clemdog14 Wrote:What if I reject your givens? What if God does not want to desire evil?If you reject it, then you reject it. You have overlooked some things I think. If god, does not desire evil, it would not exist.
Quote:What if God sees everything as a "good?" For instance, God sees the anthill and thinks it is good. He sees the ants and they are good.Well then, he would see no difference between good and evil. We can. This means we have an ability that god does not have. Secondly, isn't god supposed to KNOW? Not THINK? But he doesn't see the ants as good does he? Your bibles god tried to fix humanity how many times? And still says he will be "fixing" us again.An all powerful god would KNOW that you do not fix that which is not broke.
Quote:In my view of God, it would be paradoxical for him to commit evil. It's not that he desires or wants to do evil, rather, it would be impossible for him to commit evil.View view mother fucking view!!!!! Why is it always a view!
But anyways, this is a mere statement of opinion. No proof for your VIEW, and no PROOF of the god itself. Your bible agrees with you though. It would tell you that god would simply send an "angel of death" (his finger) to deliver evil acts. But his finger is HIM. Check out the thread " the evolution of satan in the bible" he's got a good video in the op.
Quote:In other words, declaring that God could commit evil would be equivalent in saying something on the lines of God can exist and not exist at the same time. It is not logically possible by definition.I absolutely agree, since god, let alone anything he can or can't do, has no proof to back it up, both have the same gargantuan improbability. You're god's existence hasn't been proven, yet you're more interested in deciding what he can and can't do. You see no irony here?
But just for kicks:
You say it can't commit evil. To create evil would be an evil act. Therefore I ask you, did you're god create evil???