I had a low noise in my ears for years, drove me mad.
I did some research on the net and found "Taos Hum"
Described my symptoms exactly. I was so relieved to find I wasn't alone.
Then I found that these other guys believed the noise was from sub sonic submarine sonar, or buried gas pipes, or top secret military experiments. Wackos the lot of them.
My hum went away by itself after a few years. Probably just some neurological miswiring.
Conspiracy theories are like porn. There's porn of everything, and there are conspiracy theories for everything:
Vapour trails from jets
Global warming
Agent orange
Gulf War Syndrome
Bar Codes
I did some research on the net and found "Taos Hum"
Described my symptoms exactly. I was so relieved to find I wasn't alone.
Then I found that these other guys believed the noise was from sub sonic submarine sonar, or buried gas pipes, or top secret military experiments. Wackos the lot of them.
My hum went away by itself after a few years. Probably just some neurological miswiring.
Conspiracy theories are like porn. There's porn of everything, and there are conspiracy theories for everything:
Vapour trails from jets
Global warming
Agent orange
Gulf War Syndrome
Bar Codes
'How can you say, "We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely? Jer 8:8
A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five. Groucho Marx
A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five. Groucho Marx