(December 31, 2012 at 11:20 pm)Mark 13:13 Wrote: I must try and find the quote where Hitler bemoans the fact that the Germans are lumbered with Jesus as God and that Allah would have been infinately better for Hitlers plans but i gotta get to bed now.
Here you go:
The biggest online collection of Hitler speeches on the web.
And do us all a favor, post a source to from where you got the information!
To Hitler atheism was connected with communism - which is why he tried to destroy it.
page 630 in "Mein Kampf"
Quote:Gerade der völkisch Eingestellte hätte die heiligste Verpflichtung, jeder in seiner eigenen Konfession dafür zu sorgen, daß man nicht nur immer äußerlich von Gottes Willen redet, sondern auch tatsächlich Gottes Willen erfülle und Gottes Werk nicht schänden lasse. Denn Gottes Wille gab den Menschen einst ihre Gestalt, ihr Wesen und ihre Fähigkeiten. Wer sein Werk zerstört, sagt damit der Schöpfung des Herrn, dem göttlichen Wollen, den Kampf an.
Especialy those with nationalistic sentiment have the holy commitment, each within their own confession, that one does not only speak to the outside in god`s will, but that one fulfills god`s will and let it not be violated. Because it was god`s will which gave mankind it`s shape, it`s being and capabilities. Who destroys his work, thereby declares war against the lord`s creation and his holy will
page 70:
Quote:So glaube ich heute im Sinne des allmächtigen Schöpfers zu handeln: Indem ich mich des Juden erwehre, kämpfe ich für das Werk des Herrn.
This is why I believe today that I act on the behalf of god`s will: By fighting the Jews, I fight for the work of god.
Now get the book and read it yourself!
And I would be especialy like to know where you got that "Islam would have been better part". Even if he did, that would not be atheism.
What I know for sure, is that Hitler oftern complained about the wars of confession which occured within Germany, like the 30 years war.
Which is not atheism.
I warn you! As a German I know my countries history just as well as I would expect a english man to know about his country!
I have called out lies about history before and will continue to do so!!!